Marc-André Hamelin (piano solo)

Marc-André Hamelin (piano solo)

Mogens Dahl Koncertsal / København S / 23. sep. 2024 / 20:00

Marc-André Hamelin (Piano solo)

German and Russian piano music is featured in the first concert of the autumn season, where yet another world-class pianist takes the stage. Canadian Marc-André Hamelin, who has had a long and impressive career with 11 Grammy nominations among his accolades, combines superior technique with an analytical approach and a deep sensitivity to the poetic elements of the works.

Hamelin, who last visited Mogens Dahl Concert Hall in 2020, has made a special effort to spotlight lesser-known composers, which is evident in the evening's program, including two works by the Russian composer Nikolai Medtner—a movement in variation form and the captivating "Danza Festiva." Medtner was initially inspired by late Beethoven and was encouraged and supported by Rachmaninov, who became a lifelong friend.

While Medtner early on gave up a career as a pianist in favor of composition, Rachmaninov continued to perform and tour as a highly regarded virtuoso until shortly before his death. Despite his extensive output for the piano, he composed only two sonatas, of which Hamelin will perform the second. Finally, Hamelin will also play one of Beethoven's early piano sonatas, No. 3 in C major, and Haydn's popular D-major sonata.


Joseph Haydn (1732–1809):
Piano Sonata in D major, No. 50, Hob. XVI:37

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827):
Piano Sonata No. 3 in C major, Opus 2, No. 3

Nikolai Medtner (1880–1951):
Improvisation in B-flat minor
(in variation form) Opus 31, No. 1
Danza Festiva, Opus 38, No. 3

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873–1943):
Etude-Tableau Opus 39, No. 5
Sonata No. 2 in B-flat minor, Opus 36 (1931)

The café opens at 7:00 PM before each concert, where refreshments can be purchased and conveniently pre-ordered for the intermission. The concert hall doors open at 7:15 PM.


Organizer: Mogens Dahl Concert Hall, Snorresgade 22, 2300 Copenhagen S