Doric String Quartet med Jonathan Biss (piano)

Doric String Quartet med Jonathan Biss (piano)

Mogens Dahl Koncertsal / København S / 18. nov. 2024 / 20:00

Doric String Q. & Jonathan Biss (Piano)

The meeting between the piano and string instruments is a time-honored combination that many composers from Mozart onwards have explored.

At this concert, the experienced English string quartet Doric String Quartet has joined forces with the dynamic American pianist Jonathan Biss to perform a couple of the main works from the romantic repertoire within this genre.

Robert Schumann's Piano Quintet from 1842 is among his most popular and enduring works, which is all the more impressive given that it was in this very year, 1842, that he first ventured into chamber music. Moreover, the Piano Quintet set a standard for many great composers who followed.

Just as Schumann initially focused on his primary instrument, the piano, Johannes Brahms also gradually expanded his compositional focus beyond the familiar. His first two piano quartets mark a solid breakthrough in chamber music, particularly with the monumental, almost symphonic Piano Quartet No. 2, which is a true masterpiece.

Beethoven's String Quartet No. 16 represents the culmination of his groundbreaking work in this genre and serves as a beautiful and fitting reminder that it was precisely two already well-established forms of expression (the string quartet and solo piano) that came together in the works mentioned above, which Doric String Quartet and Jonathan Biss will perform this evening.


Robert Schumann (1810–1856):
Piano Quintet in E-flat major, Opus 44

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827):
String Quartet No. 16 in F major, Opus 135

Johannes Brahms (1833–1897):
Piano Quartet No. 2 in A major, Opus 26

The café opens at 7:00 PM before each concert, where refreshments can be purchased and conveniently pre-ordered for the intermission. The concert hall doors open at 7:15 PM.


Organizer: Mogens Dahl Concert Hall, Snorresgade 22, 2300 Copenhagen S